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Welcome to Speed Sharing

Coffee, Networking, Lunch, Speed Sharing, Happy Hour and Share Clues game!

There are 2 ways to join our first Speed Sharing event on Thursday, February 27: Registration Required

  • Remote on Zoom from 1pm to approximately 3:30pm EST

  • In-person in Atlanta starting with optional coffee at 9:30am through Happy Hour that evening

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Come one, come all to our worldwide remote Speed Sharing!

8 Speed Sharers present for up to 10 minutes each on their favorite topic, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A, making this "speedy" two-hour sharing opportunity a blast!


Facilitated by "Dawn from Georgia", and sponsored by Kainos, seats are limited, so registration is required (first come first served).


Call for Papers: the Customer Sharing Movement is looking for Sharer and Topic submissions. Register to learn more about this event and becoming a Speed Sharer. You do not have to be in-person in Atlanta to be a Speed Sharer or participant - remote Sharers and participants are welcome and encouraged. 


If you are in or near Atlanta, please join us in person. 

9:30am EST: Coffee and Networking at Nordstrom's


11:00am EST: Lunch and Speed Sharing at Seasons 52, sponsored by Kainos

3:30pm EST: Happy Hour, more Networking, and Share Clues Game at Tin Lizzy's

Register (required) here

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Click above to watch a video of Dawn from Georgia talk about what to expect from the inaugural Speed Sharing Session.

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